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Wendy Wells-Gallagher made the move from Lake Murray to Saluda River Club because she knew it would be a great neighborhood for her 13-year-old son Robert. She had no idea it would be just as great for her.

“I couldn’t have chosen a better place for us,” says Wendy. “What I like most is that it there are so many other kids in the neighborhood and the resort feeling you get here. Robert calls it a ‘staycation.’”

He loves kayaking with friends and playing on the Village Green. Wendy has gotten active in a club for single-parent families. She enjoys adult pool time and cookouts at the Chickawa Outdoor Center.

When Robert hosted an exchange student, the Gallaghers invited 200 parents and kids to a picnic right in their own neighborhood.

With maintenance provided, it’s even easier for busy moms like Wendy to find some down time. “Sometimes we just enjoy sitting on the front porch or the back patio – nobody’s ever too busy to say hello and the pace is very relaxed.”

Wendy is an educator in town and her drive to work is quick and easy. She’s a big fan of the Lexington 1 school district and looks forward to Robert attending the new high school that’s just minutes from home.

“There’s no question about it,” Wendy adds. “I moved for my son, but it’s been great for me, too. Every time we drive into Saluda River Club it’s just breathtaking.”