Here’s What’s Happening Around the Neighborhood this Month

Thursday 9/14 Ladies Meet and Greet at the Village Club 7pm
Ladies Meet and Greet is the second Thursday of every month. Bring your favorite beverage, a small snack to share, and mingle with your neighbors!

Sunday 9/17 Matilda Jane Fall Line at the Chickawa Outdoor Center 1-3pm
Come join your neighbors for an afternoon of girl fun and view Matilda Jane’s fall line, “Make Believe”. Cute and comfy clothes for infant, toddlers, school age girls, tweens, and mamas!!  Join us on Sunday, September 17th at the Chickawa Outdoor Center foyer from 1-3pm. This is always a fun opportunity to grab a mimosa and view a little fashion. For questions, contact Andrea Dunbar or 803-315-5787.

Friday 9/15 Boomers and Beyond at the Village Club 5:30pm
Boomers (both singles and couples over 50) meet at the Village Clubhouse the third Friday of each month at 5:30pm.

Tuesday 9/19 Ladies Bunco at the Village Club 7pm
Come for a night of fun with the ladies of SRC who get together on the 3rd Tuesday of every month to play bunco.  We start arriving @ 7pm and play till 8:30.  Bring $5 for the winners pot…never played, don’t worry, there are a few veterans to teach the rules and get the games started. For information you can contact Pat Cronin @ 803-521-9138 or Jean Dyson @ 803-429-2349.

Thursday 9/21 Men’s Night at the Village Club 7pm 
Men’s Night is the Third Thursday of every month. Bring your favorite beverage and a snack.

Tuesday 9/26 Book Club at the Village Club 7:30pm
The book club will be reading, “Before We Were Yours” by Lisa Wingate for September.  Book club discussions are held at the Village Club at 7:30 on the last Tuesday of the month.  Come share your thoughts on the latest book and give ideas on any future reads.  If you have any questions you can contact Pat Cronin at 803-521-9138 or email at

Wednesday 9/27 Wine & Shine Wednesday at the Village Club 7-9pm
Join your fellow neighbors for a glass of wine and festive bite!  Learn how to keep your GLOW this winter with Rodan + Fields, the #1 Skincare Brand in North America, and SHOP the latest jewelry from Noonday Collection. Noonday Collection is a fair trade accessory company that partners with artisans around the world to bring their handmade goods to the American market. Together, we are working to build a world where women are empowered, children are cherished, people have jobs, and we are all connected! For more information, follow this link:

Please RSVP to Kelly Spears at 704.957.0939 or or visit

Ladies Bible Study will start back in October at the Village Club.

Wellness Programs at Saluda River Club 

Yoga Classes 
Tuesdays at 6pm. Yoga classes are complimentary.
For more information contact

Cardio Jam Classes
Mondays at 6:30-7:30pm at the Fitness Center. Cardio Jam classes are complimentary. For more information contact

Aquafit Classes
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm at the Village Pool.  Aqua dumbells, aqua gloves, a pool noodle and water sneakers are recommended. Please contact Jen Dempsey at 800-9189 with any questions.

Saturday Family Storytime
Take the children to Storytime at Lexington Main. This family program features the best in children’s literature, songs and rhymes. Ages birth to grade 5. 11:00-11:30am each Saturday at Lexington Main Library at 5440 Augusta Road.

Columbia’s Greek Festival
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral welcomes you and offers our hospitality for the annual Greek Festival. Come and enjoy the music, atmosphere, food and drink, and learn a little about Greece.

September 14 – 17
1931 Sumter Street
Columbia SC 29201

September is Healthy Aging Month
For the month of September, focus on the positive aspects of growing older by celebrating Healthy Aging Month! This national health promotion is designed to broaden awareness of positive aspects of aging and to provide inspiration for adults, ages 50+, to improve their physical, mental, social and financial health. For further information check out the website click for details.

View the calendar at to see all of the activities.