Here’s What’s Happening Around the Neighborhood this Month

Yoga Class at the Village Club Fridays at 10am 
Join your neighbors at the Village Club for Yoga with Allison Coulter starting this Friday at 10am.  Alison is an advanced 500 hour yoga alliance certified yoga teacher.  This class will be an all levels yoga class in the downstairs area of the Village Club.  Some experience is helpful but not necessary.  The class will be structured so that everyone can enjoy the many benefits of yoga. Each pose has variations, allowing everyone to do the class at a level that suits them.   You are encouraged to bring props, a yoga block, strap and yoga blanket. You can Google Amazon- yoga props. They are also available at Walmart.

January Activities:

Wednesday 1/1 Toddler “Noon” Year Countdown Balloon Drop at the Chickawa Outdoor Center 11am-1pm
Pack a lunch and come countdown to noon for a balloon drop!  Older siblings can help countdown!

Thursday 1/2 Adult Board Game Night at the Village Club 7pm
Like to play board games?  Join your neighbors at the Village Club for an evening of playing board games.  Contact Anne Mellen at for any questions.

Friday 1/3 Adult Social at the Village Club 7pm
Adult Social is the first Friday of every month.  Adult Social is the first Friday of every month.  Bring your favorite beverage, a small snack to share, and mingle with your neighbors!

Sundays 1/5, 12, 19, 26  Ladies Bible Study at the Village Club 6:30-8pm
Please join us for our Bible Study at the Village Club on Sunday nights.

Monday 1/6 Jr. Women’s Club at the Village Club 6:30-8pm

Tuesday 1/7 Adult Board Game Night at the Village Club 7pm
Like to play board games?  Join your neighbors at the Village Club for an evening of playing board games.  Contact Anne Mellen at for any questions.

Wednesdays 1/8, 15, 22, 29 Men’s Bible Study at the Village Club 6:30-8pm
The study is for all levels of Christians and specifically for anyone who wants to learn, no matter his knowledge base or spiritual situation.  New Christians and searchers are especially welcome.  This will be non-denominational in format with special attention paid to differences in theology, if necessary.  The classes will be as intense as the class desires.  The goal is to grow in Christ.  If interested, please contact Eldon or Mike, or just show up. Eldon Armstrong 803-530-0298 or Mike Burkhold 803-622-7428 or The intent is to spread the Word of God to all.

Thursday 1/9 Ladies Meet & Greet at the Village Club 7pm
Ladies Meet and Greet is the second Thursday of every month. Bring your favorite beverage, a small snack to share, and mingle with your neighbors!

Friday 1/10 Drinks in the Driveway from 5:30-7:30pm
Come enjoy the new SRC monthly event Drinks in the Driveway every 2nd Friday of the month!   Jump on your golf cart, walk over, or drive to the neighbor of the month for adult and kid friendly beverages. You can bring your own beverage of course, but drinks and light snacks will be provided by the host. This is a great way to meet new neighbors, commune with those that you know, and have a delicious beverage!  Each month a SRC community neighbor can choose to host the event in their driveway.

Tuesday 1/14 PO KE NO at the Village Club 7pm
Is anyone interested in getting together on the second Tuesday of each month for a fun game called POKENO?  It is a combination card/bingo game requiring no experience or skill – just a simple fun excuse to get together.  If you want to try it or play again bring $5.00 per person to the Village Club House on Tuesday, January 14th at 7pm.  Cash prizes will be based on the number of people playing.  Also bring your beverage of choice.  Please RSVP to Linda at because we are limited to 24 players.

Thursday 1/16 Men’s Night POKER GAME at the Village Club 7pm
POKER GAME!!!  Lose a few old presidents & win some new friends.  Low stakes, High fun.  No experience preferred.  Men’s Night is the Third Thursday of every month. Bring your favorite beverage and a snack.

Friday 1/17 Boomers & Beyond Social at the Village Club 5:30pm
Boomers & Beyond (both singles and couples over 50) meet at the Village Club the third Friday of each month at 5:30pm for a Social.  Bring your favorite beverage and a snack.

Monday 1/20 Adult Board Game Night at the Village Club 7pm
Like to play board games?  Join your neighbors at the Village Club for an evening of playing board games.  Contact Anne Mellen at for any questions.

Tuesday 1/21 Ladies Bunco at the Village Club 7pm
Come for a night of fun with the ladies of SRC who get together on the 3rd Tuesday of every month to play bunco.  We start arriving @ 7pm and play till 8:30. Bring $5 for the winner’s pot……never played, don’t worry, there are a few veterans to teach the rules and get the games started.  For information you can contact Pat Cronin @ 803-521-9138 or Jean Dyson @ 803-429-2349.

Tuesday 1/28 Book Club at the Village Club 7:30pm
The book club will be reading for December and January, “Starless Sea” by Erin Morgenstern.  Book Club discussions are held at the Village Club at 7:30 on the last Tuesday of the month.   Come share your thoughts on the latest book and give ideas on any future reads.  If you have any questions you can contact Pat Cronin at 803-521-9138 or email at

View the full calendar at to see all the activities.