Here’s What’s Happening Around the Neighborhood this Month
Yoga Class at the Village Club Fridays at 10am 
Join your neighbors at the Village Club for Yoga with Allison Coulter starting this Friday at 10am.  Alison is an advanced 500 hour yoga alliance certified yoga teacher.  This class will be an all levels yoga class in the downstairs area of the Village Club.  Some experience is helpful but not necessary.  The class will be structured so that everyone can enjoy the many benefits of yoga. Each pose has variations, allowing everyone to do the class at a level that suits them.   You are encouraged to bring props, a yoga block, strap and yoga blanket. You can Google Amazon- yoga props. They are also available at Walmart.

November Activities

Tuesday 11/12 PO KE NO at the Village Club 7pm
Is anyone interested in getting together on the second Tuesday of each month for a fun game called POKENO?  It is a combination card/bingo game requiring no experience or skill – just a simple fun excuse to get together.  If you want to try it or play again bring $5.00 per person to the Village Club.  Cash prizes will be based on the number of people playing.  Also bring your beverage of choice.  Please RSVP to Linda at because we are limited to 24 players.

Wednesdays 11/13, 20, 27 Men’s Bible Study at the Village Club 6:30-8pm
The study is for all levels of Christians and specifically for anyone who wants to learn, no matter his knowledge base or spiritual situation.  New Christians and searchers are especially welcome.  This will be non-denominational in format with special attention paid to differences in theology, if necessary.  The classes will be as intense as the class desires.  The goal is to grow in Christ.  If interested, please contact Eldon or Mike, or just show up. Eldon Armstrong 803-530-0298 or Mike Burkhold 803-622-7428 or The intent is to spread the Word of God to all.

Thursday 11/14 Jay Koon for Lexington County Sheriff Event at the Village Club 7-8pm
Neighbors! Please join is for a meet and greet fundraiser for Jay Koon for Lexington County Sheriff on Thursday, November 14th from 7-8pm at the Village Club.  Drop in to meet the sheriff of Lexington County and to hear his plan for continuing to keep our community safe.  Donations, while appreciated, are not required to attend.

Friday 11/15 Boomers & Beyond BONDFIRE at the CHICKAWA OUTDOOR CENTER 5:30pm
Boomers & Beyond Social is moving to the CHICKAWA OUTDOOR CENTER FOR November.  We will be having a Bondfire on the Riverfront.  (We will have use of the clubhouse in case it rains.)  You will not need to being an appetizer, but we do need to know how many to prepare for.  So, if you are planning to attend, please RSVP to Patsy Burkhold at  or 803-622-7438 by Sunday, November 10.  And, as always bring your beverage of your choice.
Now is your chance.  Several of us have fur coats that sadly have been hanging in the closet for years. We are planning to wear our fur coats for our first annual  BOOMERS FURS BY THE FIRE.  Join us for the fun November 15th at 5:30pm.

Saturday 11/16 Barre3 and Bubbles at the Chickawa Outdoor Center 10am
Join us on Saturday, November 16th at 10am at the Chickawa Outdoor Center for a free barre3 class!  Barre3 is a full-body, balanced workout combining strength conditioning, cardio, and mindfulness.  The class will be 45 minutes and followed by a Prosecco post-class refreshment.  Please bring a yoga mat or long towel you can work out on for class.  We look forward to seeing and sweating with you then!  The barre3 Lake Murray Team.

Sunday 11/17 Fall Mini Photo Sessions at SRC 9am-4:40pm
Fall Mini Photo Sessions with Lili Burnett Sunday 11/17.  These sessions are 15 minutes for $150.  Email to reserve your time.

Monday 11/18 Adult Board Game Night at the Village Club 7pm
Like to play board games?  Join your neighbors at the Village Club for an evening of playing board games.  Contact Anne Mellen at for any questions.

Tuesday 11/19 Ladies Bunco at the Village Club 7pm
Come for a night of fun with the ladies of SRC who get together on the 3rd Tuesday of every month to play bunco.  We start arriving @ 7pm and play till 8:30. Bring $5 for the winner’s pot……never played, don’t worry, there are a few veterans to teach the rules and get the games started.  For information you can contact Pat Cronin @ 803-521-9138 or Jean Dyson @ 803-429-2349.

Thursday 11/21 Men’s Night POKER GAME at the Village Club 7pm
POKER GAME!!!  Lose a few old presidents & win some new friends.  Low stakes, High fun.  No experience preferred.  Men’s Night is the Third Thursday of every month. Bring your favorite beverage and a snack.

Saturday 11/23 Block Party & Chili Cook-Off in the Woodlands District 4-7pm
Whip up your favorite chili in a crockpot and join your neighbors for a Block Party & Chili Cook-Off in the Woodlands District from 4-7pm. We’ll be awarding prizes at 5pm for Best Chili and Unique Chili.  If you’re not bring chili, please bring an appetizer or dessert to share and bring your favorite beverage as always.

Sunday 11/24 Holiday Market at the Chickawa Outdoor Center 1-5pm
Mark your calendars for the annual SRC Holiday Market!  Please join resident and community vendors from 1-5pm at the Chickawa Outdoor Center.  Shop for ladies and children’s clothing, handmade jewelry, homemade goodies, home decor and more!  If you have any questions, please email

Thursday 11/28 Turkey Day Football at the Newport Hill Lane Field (under the power lines) 9am
Join your neighbors for the Annual Turkey Day touch football.  Come out and burn some calories before the big meal running flag, post, and out routes!  Score a touchdown, grab an interception, and celebrate. Adolescents welcome as long as they are big enough to run with adults without getting hurt.

Tuesday 12/3 Book Club at the CHICKAWA OUTDOOR CENTER 7:30pm
The November 26th date is changing to DECEMBER 3rd  at the CHICKAWA OUTDOOR CENTER FOR NOVEMBER’S READ.
The book club will be reading, “Next Year In Havana” by Chanel Cleeton.  Come share your thoughts on the latest book and share ideas on any future reads.  If you have any questions you can contact Pat Cronin at 803-521-9138 or email at

View the full calendar at to see all the activities.

**Please note that Ladies Meet & Greet for November has been cancelled. 

Coming in December:

Saturday 12/7 Breakfast with Santa at the Chickawa Outdoor Center 9am
Calling all SRC Kidoes!  Get your PJs on and join us at the Chickawa Outdoor Center at at 9am for breakfast, storytime, and photos with Santa.  RSVP by Wednesday 12/4 to

Friday 12/20 Boomers & Beyond Christmas Party at the Village Club 5:30pm
This month we’re celebrating the Holidays.  Wear your Holiday Attire and bring your beverage of your choice. Sandwiches, salads, snacks, and desserts will be provided for $25 per person cash only.  RSVPs will be required.  More details to come.

Saturday 12/21 Christmas with Elvis at the Chickawa Outdoor Center 7pm
Bring your favorite holiday dish to share and your dancing shoes!  Elvis will certainly entertain us and will also DJ for us so we can get our groove on.  We will also need to see if we can identify neighbors who may have some patio lamps in the event it’s super cold. If you have some tables, and/or chairs you can share, please let me know. I’m looking for volunteers who can help decorate, setup and clean up.  Please email Tammy Graham at or call/text her at 803-319-4031 if you are open to helping out.  One last item, if you have family in town during the party, please bring them!  This party is open to neighbors and friends. 🙂

Community Involvement:
Rotary Minute-  Rotary is a great way to get involved in the community locally as well as connect to others on a global level.  If you would like to learn more about Rotary and how you can get involved, please reach out to Angela Leon at 803-407-6262 for information.