Christmas Light Special

Illumineers of SC has offered SRC bulk discount pricing for custom cut Christmas lights. The color would be a Champagne white (Gold shimmery color). They will come out install, custom fit, take down, store and do it again next year!

The first year the Christmas lights will cost more because you buy the lights, they will change out the bulbs to make sure they always work. Every year after you will get a discount for already owning the lights.

Here is an example of a Village District home:
$5 per foot with 65’ of facia for a two level home would be $325.

Everything below is optional and you can add on every year!
To do 4 windows on my house, $72.
30” wreaths with bows in the windows for $75 per wreath.
They will also install a timer that will auto turn on/off every night for $50
All wiring, fasteners and installation is included.

The more people that sign up the more of a discount- up to 5 customers 10% off, over 10, 12.5% discount.

Book directly with mention SRC to make sure to get the discount.