river-bluff-logoSummer at Saluda River Club is winding down and school is just around the corner! It is exciting that some of our older students will be attending the brand new River Bluff High School this fall. Featuring state-of-the-art technology, forward-thinking techniques and procedures and gorgeous new facilities, our award-winning community has been looking forward to River Bluff’s opening for quite some time!

Registration for River Bluff High School will be held on Thursday, August 8th from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm for all students (even if you have completed online registration). All students and their parents are expected to attend at some time during the day on Thursday to verify information, establish proof of residence, receive important information, turn in health cards, pick up schedules, pay any outstanding fees, take photo ID pictures, pick up textbooks and more. You can find additional information about Gator Registration on the River Bluff High School website and Facebook page.

This summer has flown by! We are excited to see everyone at our Back to School party on August 10th at the Chickawa Outdoor Center from 2:00 – 4:00 pm. Enjoy some fun in the sun at the pool with your friends and neighbors before heading back! We look forward to seeing you there.

Want to give your children the best education and live in one of the Middlands’ most desirable locations? Stop by Saluda River Club today and start living the life you deserve. For more information, visit SaludaRiverClub.com or call 803-358-3969. Columbia’s Only Resort Style Riverfront Community with Lexington 1 Schools.