Looking ahead at Saluda River Club
7/22-25 SRC KidFit Kids Gymnastics Camp ages 2-6 $40, 9am-12pm – rsvp activities@saludariverclub.com by July 17th
*minimum of 8 for the camp
7/23 Adults Pampered Chef Party (ALL adults are invited out for a light meal and wine!) Village Club, 6:30-9 – rsvp aleon@cio.sc.gov
7/29-Aug 1 KidFit SRC Kids Circus Camp ages 2-6, $40 9am-12pm – rsvp activities@saludariverclub.com byJuly 24
*minimum of 8 for the camp
7/30 Book Club, Village Club 7:30 – email joanaehanley@gmail.com for information
8/2 Adult Social Hour, Village Club 7-8 pm Adults, bring your drink of choice and come out to meet your neighbors!
8/10 Back to School Party, Chickawa pool 2-4 pm Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy a tasty treat and have some fun in the pool with your friends! rsvp kpowell@saludariverclub.com
View full calendar on www.saludariverclub.com to see all activities!
Wellness Programs at Saluda River Club
Water Aerobics classes will resume July 1 and will be held on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 9:30 in the Village Club pool. Cost is $10 per session. Email trainrightfitness@gmail.com for more information.
Group Workout sessions with Trainer Jeremy
Tuesday and Thursdays July 16-Aug 8 at 5pm. Meet at the riverfront by the playground or in the gym if there’s bad weather. Classes are $10 per session or $75 for all 8. Email trainrightfitness@gmail.com for more information.
Cardio Jam
Mondays at 6:30-7:30pm, Fitness Center. Cardio Jam classes are complimentary. For more information contact Belva, belvanagasaki@gmail.com
Yoga Classes
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm, Fitness Center. Yoga classes are complimentary. For more information contact Denis, denisann@partis.com