SRC 131 Downstream Way Lot 443-small-001-View from Greenway-666x444-72dpiOn June 20 and 21, the Building Industry Association of Central South Carolina will host the final weekend of the organization’s magnificent annual Tour of Homes, Columbia’s Largest Open House of New Homes for Sale

SRC 131 Downstream Way Lot 443-small-013-Kitchen-666x444-72dpiThis grand TOUR OF HOMES gives homebuyers the opportunity to see the best new home communities and visit a variety of model homes throughout the Midlands.

Award-winning Saluda River Club is a proud participant in this free annual event during June 2015. Join us 11AM – 6PM on Saturday, June 20, and from 1PM-6PM on Sunday on June 21.

When visiting Saluda River Club, please come check out our homes in the Woodlands District available for immediate move-in. Their locations are:

  • 135 Old Woodlands Boulevard
  • 645 Tailwater Bend
  • 131 Downstream Way
  • 669 Tailwater Bend

For a preview, please visit our website here.

SRC 131 Downstream Way Lot 443-small-004-Front-666x444-72dpiAccording to the BIA of Central South Carolina, plan books featuring all of the homes and Featured Communities on the 2015 TOUR OF HOMES will be available at no charge at the featured communities and in digital format on the BIA of Central South Carolina’s website.  It is recommended that you plan your route in advance once you get the book.

TOUR with your mobile device using the free My Home Found app for Android and iPhone or iPad.

To learn more about the award-winning Saluda River Club master-planned community, please schedule a visit soon. For more information on available homes, or for directions, please call 803-358-3969 or visit