February 2016 Activities at Saluda River ClubFebruary Activities:

Mondays 2/22, 29 Ladies Bible Study at the Village Club 8pm
Come join in an 11 week study “To Live Is Christ” by Beth Moore.  This study will dive deep into the life and ministry of Paul.  Paul served faithfully, loved heartily, and demonstrated what it means to die daily, crucified with Jesus Christ.  If you would like to join, please purchase a “To Live Is Christ” study guide from Lifeway ($15.99) and join every Monday, starting January 18th at 8pm-10pm at the Village Clubhouse.  Any questions please contact Andrea Dunbar- 803-315-5787 vandrea24@msn.com.

Tuesday 2/23 Book Club at the Village Club 7:30pm
The book clubs choice for February is “Still Missing” by author Chevy Stevens.   The author won the International Thriller Writers Award for the Best First Novel in 2010.  Many said that this book was more than a 5 star rating.  Book club discussions are held at the Village Club at 7:30 on the last Tuesday of the month.  Come share your thoughts on the latest book and give ideas on any future reads.  If you have any questions you can contact Pat Cronin at 803-521-9138 or email at croninp32@hotmail.com.

Wednesdays 2/24 Ladies Bible Study at the Village Club 7:00-8:30pm
Join us for a 7-week Ladies Bible Study to be held each Wednesday from January 27th through March 9th at the Village Club.  We will be doing a bible study by Priscilla Shirer titled The Armor of God.  Please contact Jennifer Winchester at 803-518-9177 or jwinchester@sc.rr.com for more information.

Thursday 2/25 Muffins, Mimosas, and Makeup at the Chickawa Outdoor Center 10am
Come and celebrate healthy beauty on Thursday, 2/25 from 10-1.  Drop in the Chickawa, and view or sample YOUnique’s cosmetic and skin care line, inspired by nature, with independent presenter and resident, Jill Messer.

Thursday 2/25 Ladies Art Show at Blush Boutique and Home 4-7pm
Calling all SRC ladies!  Join us at the very First Blush Pop-Up Art Show this Thursday, February 25th from 4-7pm in the evening at Blush Boutique and Home. We will have yummy cocktails and cupcakes, and some wonderful art work from local artists and jewelry designers for you to shop!

Fridays 2/26 Baby/Toddler Play Time at 136 Old Woodlands Blvd 10am
Pack up your baby or toddler, coffee to go, and a few books or toys to share and join the SRC Moms for a playdate at The Gregory’s at 136 Old Woodlands Blvd 10am.

View the full calendar at www.saludariverclub.com to see all the activities.

Coming in March:

Wednesday 3/2 Carolina Wildlife Center Wild Wonders Program at the Chickawa Outdoor Center 3pm
Let’s celebrate the ½ day of school at the Chickawa Outdoor Center!  Join Carolina Wildlife Center for an afternoon of animal encounters designed to enlighten and excite participants to the wonders of the natural world.

Monday 3/7 Jr. Women’s Club Meeting at the Village Club 6-8pm
Join the Junior Women’s Club of Lake Murray on Monday, 3/7 at the Village Club.  We are a non-profit women’s volunteer organization that aims to better the Lake Murray Community through volunteer service. Please join us as our guest!

Mondays 3/7, 14, 21 Ladies Bible Study at the Village Club 8pm
Come join in an 11 week study “To Live Is Christ” by Beth Moore.  This study will dive deep into the life and ministry of Paul.  Paul served faithfully, loved heartily, and demonstrated what it means to die daily, crucified with Jesus Christ.  If you would like to join, please purchase a “To Live Is Christ” study guide from Lifeway ($15.99) and join every Monday, starting January 18th at 8pm-10pm at the Village Clubhouse.  Any questions please contact Andrea Dunbar- 803-315-5787 vandrea24@msn.com.

Wednesdays 3/2, 9 Ladies Bible Study at the Village Club Wednesdays 7:00-8:30pm
Join us for a 7-week Ladies Bible Study to be held each Wednesday from January 27th through March 9th at the Village Club.  We will be doing a bible study by Priscilla Shirer titled The Armor of God.  Please contact Jennifer Winchester at 803-518-9177 or jwinchester@sc.rr.com for more information.

Fridays 3/4, 11, 18, 25 Baby/Toddler Play Time at 136 Old Woodlands Blvd 10am
Pack up your baby or toddler, coffee to go, and a few books or toys to share and join the SRC Moms for a playdate at The Gregory’s at 136 Old Woodlands Blvd 10am.

Friday 3/4 Adult Social at the Village Club 7pm
Adult Social is the first Friday of every month.  Bring your favorite adult beverage, a small snack to share, and mingle with your neighbors!

Thursday 3/10 Ladies Meet and Greet at the Village Club 7pm
Ladies Meet and Greet is the second Thursday of every month.  Bring your favorite beverage and a snack to share.

Saturday 3/12 Columbia Wine & Spirits Tour Bus Pick Up at Village Parking Lot 3pm
Come ride with your SRC neighbors and experience the best way to visit and taste Columbia’s great distilleries and wine selection. The tour stops include: Copper Horse Distilling, Crouch Distilling, and The Vino Garage.  At each distillery, guests will receive a full facility tour, followed by a spirit tasting session. The wine portion of the tour features a custom tasting curated by Vino Garage owner Doug Aylard.  Tickets are $45 per person, with a $20 option for those not drinking. See you on the bus for some fantastic craft spirits!

To book your tickets, click the link below. Then, click the big blue “Book Now” button on the left-hand side of the screen, which will bring up a calendar of availabilities. Scroll through the calendar to find your date (March 12), which will be labeled “SRC Group – Clubhouse Pick Up”. Click that date, enter your information and how many tickets you’d like to purchase, and you’re all set!


Thursday 3/17 St. Patrick’s Day Celebration at the Village Club at 7pm
We’re cancelling Men’s Night this month.  Instead, let’s get the Adults together for a St. Patrick’s Day Celebration at the Village Club.  Wear your Green, bring your favorite beer, a snack to share, and let’s crank up the music for St. Patty’s Day!

Sunday 3/20 Easter Egg Hunt & Photos with Easter Bunny on The Riverfront 4pm
Calling all SRC Kiddoes 12 Years and Younger!  Grab your Easter Basket and join us for an Easter Egg Hunt and photos with the Easter Bunny on The Riverfront.

Sunday 3/27 Easter
Enjoy the Clubhouses with your neighbors!

Tuesday 3/29 Book Club at the Village Club 7:30pm
Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month.  New members are welcome to attend

Kid Fit Summer Camps at Saluda River Club:

June 20-23, 9am-12pm, Sports Camp ages 5-12
July 11-14, 9am-12pm, Sports Camp ages 2-6
Activities include volleyball with beach balls, balloon tennis, noodle hockey, bowling, soccer, basketball, and much more.

July 18-21, 9am-12pm, Gymnastics Camp ages 2-6
Activities include mats, balance beams, trampolines, bars, rings, tumbling aids, and much more.

July 25-28, 9am-12pm, Circus Camp ages 2-6
Activities include tight wires, stilts, juggling, face painting, and much more.

August 1-4, 9am-12pm, Beach Camp ages 5-12
Activities include bocce ball, corn toss, frisbee, beach tennis, flip cup, ladder golf, washer boards, beach ball volleyball, and pool games.

Each camp will meet both on the Riverfront and inside the Chickawa Outdoor Center.  The cost for each camp is $60/child/week.  All campers must be potty trained.  Each camp is Monday-Thursday.  Kids are to bring a snack and a water bottle every day.  Please email activities@saludariverclub.com to reserve a space for your child.

View the full calendar at www.saludariverclub.com to see all the activities.

Wellness Programs at Saluda River Club

Cardio Jam Classes
Mondays at 6:30-7:30pm at the Fitness Center. Cardio Jam classes are complimentary.
For more information contact belvanagasaki@gmail.com

Yoga Classes
Tuesdays at 6:00-7:00pm at the Fitness Center. Yoga classes are complimentary.  For more information contact kara@kinback.net