Did you know? Paying off your mortgage can be as simple as making just one extra mortgage payment a year. For Saluda River Club residents and other area homeowners, this means that they can pay off their mortgage sooner and build equity faster.

To learn more about this Bi-Weekly® Mortgage Payment Plan with preferred lender SunTrust Mortgage, Inc., Saluda River Club residents and potential buyers can call SunTrust Mortgage to learn more about this option and other innovative tools.

For certain clients, paying on a bi-weekly basis can be a great thing for budgeting reasons as well as equity building.  By paying every 2 weeks instead of once a month, clients make 2 extra payments per year.  By doing this, those extra payments go directly toward principal.  On an average 30-year fixed mortgage, clients will save approximately 7 years of payments over the life of the loan by doing this.

The professionals at SunTrust Mortgage will be happy to sit down with new homebuyers and current homeowners at Saluda River Club to provide the necessary details about any of the outstanding financial products offered by SunTrust Mortgage. Please feel free to contact the company directly to set up an appointment:

SunTrust Mortgage
4727-D Sunset Blvd
Lexington, SC 29072
803.996.0359 Office


To learn more about the gorgeous new homes currently available at Saluda River Club, please schedule a visit soon. For more information or directions, please call 803-358-3969 or visit www.SaludaRiverClub.com.