August Activities at Saluda River Club!
Checkout the August activity list below and visit our Community Calendar. You can RSVP online at or Contact our Lifestyle Director at 803-808-3752.
Sports and Swim Camp
August 8th – 11th, 9am-12pm
Chickawa Outdoor Center
We will introduce your child to many different sports, teach them the rules, and keep them moving all morning long! We cover bowling, Frisbee, soccer, volleyball, tennis, noodle hockey, and more. We make all of our sports and games every kid-friendly so they experience instant success instead of frustration. The last hour of this camp will be spent in the pool doing pool sports and games. Each child should bring a healthy snack and water bottle each day. We will have snack break and normally do a craft related to each day’s activities. There is no performance on the last day of this camp. However, we will give out awards on the final day of camp. Minimum of 8 campers needed.
Ladies Bunco Night
Thursday, August 11th, 7pm,
Village Clubhouse
Bunco is the second Thursday of every month. Bring your favorite beverage and $5 to contribute to the pot. We are also looking for at least six volunteers to bring a hearty snack to share with the ladies.
RSVP by August 8th
Movie on the Green – “Rio” (G)
Friday, August 12th, 8:30pm
Village Green
Bring a blanket, chair and your favorite snacks to enjoy a movie under the stars. We’ll spray for mosquitoes, but you may want to bring bug spray just in case we miss a few.
Men’s Card Night
Wednesday, August 17th, 7pm
Village Club
Card night is the third Wednesday of every month. Bring your favorite beverage, a snack and at least $10 for the pot.
RSVP by August 15th
Back to School BBQ Bash
Friday, August 19th, 6-9pm
Chickawa Outdoor Center
Let’s celebrate the beginning of the school year with delicious BBQ provided by Hudson’s Smokehouse and a splashing good time in the Chickawa pool! We’ll also have balloon creations by Balloonopolis!
RSVP by August 15th
Neighborhood Watch Meeting
Tuesday, August 23rd, 7pm, Village Clubhouse
Join our resident deputy, Officer Nieves, as he leads a discussion on community safety and addresses any questions or concerns you may have.
Wellness Activities:
Yoga – Every Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Chickawa Outdoor Center. Yoga is complimentary.
Boot Camp – Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:30-7:30pm on the Chickawa Riverfront. The current session runs through August 11th. Contact Stephanie White for pricing. 803-808-3752